When I was growing up, my grandmother made most of my clothes--including jumpers. Now that I am in my 30s (yikes!), I still love the idea of a one-piece outfit that is not a dress. So, I've been thinking of making a few jumpers of my own.
I really love the clean look of this jumper from
French Connection United Kingdom.

I think it is something that I could wear as a 30-something and not feel like a little girl...not that feeling young is a
bad thing. I just wish we could wear shorts at work...
This jumper (also from French Connection) has an 80s vibe that I absolutely love.

I'm not sure if I'm crazy about the print, but I love the way it drapes, and it looks really comfortable. I would also make mine a tad bit longer...I'm a bit modest.
This one is beyond adorable!

Anyone who knows me well knows that I am a sucker for flowered prints. I think this print works really well with the "fun" feel of this jumper, and even though it's a bit busy, it just looks so stinkin' cute!
Luckily, I found this pattern at
Vintage Vice and I plan on trying it out (with a few alterations to make it a bit more modern).

Needless to say, I'm glad that these little gems have made a comeback, and I am looking forward to making one of my own.
Sew happy,
Jumpers are weird. ;)